What is  Point of view?

    Is the perspective from which a story is narrated. The most common points of view used in novels are first person singular (“I”) and third person (“he” and “she”).

    Point of View VS. Narrator

    • The narrator of a story can be a participant in the story, meaning this character is a part of the plot, or a non-participant. 

    • The point of view in a story refers to the position of the narrator in relation to the story.
    For example: 
    1. If the narrator is a participant in the story, it is more likely that the point of view would be "first person", as the narrator is witnessing and interacting with the events and other characters firsthand.

    2. If the narrator is a non-participant, it  is more likely that the point of view would be in third person, as the narrator is at a remove from the events.

      Note : Some professors use Narrator and Point of view interchangeably

    Types of Point of view

    A- First person POV: 

    The narrator participates in action, but sometimes has limited knowledge/vision. 
    • Features
    1. The narrator of the story is also ONE of the characters in the story.
    2. Usually the protagonist of the story.
    3. This point of view uses the following pronouns: I, me, my, mine, we, us, our.
    4. The reader only knows what the ONE character knows. (disadvantage)
    5. The reader feels very connected to the story. (advantage)

    Notes :
    All of the action is processed through the narrator's perspective, and therefore this type of narrator may be unreliable . The choice to write from an unreliable first person point of view gives the reader a chance to figure out what is reality and what is a creation on the part of the narrator.

    • Example
    I saw the 'Closed' sign dangling from the shop window, but I could hear someone moving inside. I stood on tiptoes to look through the glass and saw a pair of eyes staring back at me.

    B- Second person POV

    The narrator tells the story as if it is happening to the reader
    • Features
    1. The author addresses the audience;the audience is a participant in the events narrated.
    2. Emphasis on you 
    3. Makes the reader an active participant 
    4. Hard to sustain for long periods of time

    • Example
    With your back to the autumn sun, you are squatting against the iron railings of the bridge that links the two banks of the dry riverbed north of Pul-i-Khumri.

    C- Third person POV: 

    The narrator is more distant, telling us about the story rather than playing a major part in it.
    • Features
    1. The narrator is not a character in the story.
    2. The narrator is an observer who tells the reader about someone else.
    3. The narrator uses the third person pronouns. (he, she, him, her, they, them, their)

    Types of Third Person POV

    • Third person omniscient: The narrator is all knowing and gives readers a godlike perspective 

      Example : Tim was mad at Shay. He blamed her. Shay knew Tim would be mad, but she wanted to live her life
      • Third person limited Narrator is limited to one character .
        Only knows what is going on in the mind and feelings of one character.
        The narrator tells thoughts & feelings of one character
        Example : Tim was mad at Shay. He blamed her. Shay just left without saying anything. She left a note and then left him.
        • Third-person objective: The narrator does not reveal any character's thoughts or feelings. Only character's dialogue and actions are narrated.
        Example : Tim slammed the door. He walked upstairs & read a note from Shay. He kicked her trash can & started crying.

        How to determine Point of View?


        Determine from which perspective the passage is narrated. If it is third-person, circle the characters' thoughts or feelings are narrated, and Please explain your answers:

        • Point of view:
          1- First-person
          2- Second-person
          3- Third-person objective
          4- Third-person limited
          5- Third-person omniscient.

        1. The birds were chirping and the sun was shining. Kevin and Juno were sitting on a park bench together. Neither of them was smiling. After a long period of silence, Kevin said, "This isn't going to work. I mean, you're a dog person and I'm a cat person." Juno nodded. A tear rolled down her face. Kevin went on, "If we got married and bought a house, what kind of pet would we get? Some kind of cat-dog? Somebody's going to be unhappy." Juno began sobbing and said, "Ok, let's just end it now. Have fun with your slobbery dogs." She jumped off the bench and ran into the woods.

        Point of view: ..............................

        2. The dew on the grass made my running shoes damp. It didn't bother me. The sound of my feet hitting the street formed a rhythm, a steady pattern of light thumps. I timed my breathing with the rhythm. These sounds filled my head. I thought of nothing other than the next step and keeping my tempo. I soared over the sidewalks like concrete clouds.

        Point of view: ..............................

        3. Red looked across the prairie. He didn't see anything concerning. He wondered why Texas Joe had hollered like that. Texas Joe turned to him. The ghost that Texas Joe had just seen was gone. Texas Joe swatted at the air. Now he felt crazy. "You have to believe me, Red. It was just here," said Texas Joe. Red scowled at him in disbelief. "What was just here, Joe?" he asked. Red was angry with Texas Joe for disturbing his sleep for no apparent reason.

        Point of view: ..............................

        4. If you are confused about something in class, don't wait. Raise your hand and ask for help immediately. Do it while your teacher is still explaining the material. Your teacher will probably be happy that you are taking an active part in your education and should attempt to explain the material in a different way. If you are still confused, ask your teacher if he or she is available after class to give you additional instruction. You are worth it. Don't give up on yourself.

        Point of view: ..............................

        5. Jeremiah squinted from the sun. He was thinking about the game. They could have won. He could have won the game for them. All he needed to do was catch the ball, but he didn't. He dropped it. His coach talked to him. "Jeremiah, we had a great season. Nobody's perfect. Look at me. Ha ha," he said. Jeremiah smiled at the coach, but he couldn't forgive himself so easily.

        Point of view: ..............................

        6. Suzie applied the lipstick to her lips. She had never done this before. She smacked her lips like she had seen other women do in the movies and looked in the mirror. She felt unsure about what she saw. She turned to her friend Donna and asked, "How do I look?" Donna gasped and said, "You look breathtaking, Suzie." Suzie smiled. She was grateful for these words, even though she didn't believe them.

        Point of view: ..............................

        7. April opened the escape hatch. She was afraid to jump, but she realized that the airship was sinking. She looked at Vince, who was strapping on his parachute. Vince locked eyes with her and then he realized the error in his conduct. "I'm sorry, April. That was ungentlemanly of me. Let me help you with yours." He proceeded to attach the other parachute to April's back. This made him feel a little better.

        Point of view: ..............................

        8. The parade marched down the street. It was led by a caped drummer. He set a stately pace and tapped the accompanying rhythm. A marching band followed behind him, matching his pace. Behind the band were floats of all sizes and designs. Children and adults were riding on the floats, tossing out penny candies, streamers, and plastic prizes. The street was lined with people. The noises of revelry filled the streets.

        Point of view: ..............................

        9. The bell rang. "Oh no! I'm going to be late for science! I've got to go," said Cassie to her friend Tom. Tom rolled his eyes and said, "Little Miss Perfect can't be late." This upset Cassie. She hated when people gave her a hard time for trying to do the right thing, especially Tom. "Quiet you," she said while swinging at Tom with her folder. He narrowly dodged the strike and said, "Be careful now. Attacking another student is a level two offense." Then he smiled a big, cheesy grin at her.

        Point of view: ..............................

        10. You look at the blueprints laid before you. You have no idea how to read them. "Why did I lie to get this job?" you wonder to yourself. The men in the room are watching you. The man in the suit who hired you asks, "Well, what do you think about these plans? Should we go for it?" You pick up the blueprints and pretend to study them carefully. "Um, well, have we done any fault testing?" you ask. The man in the suit squints at you and says, "Fault testing? What's fault testing?" To buy yourself time in a really smooth way you say, "Uhh..."

        Point of view: ..............................

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