Making and Using Notes
Note taking: is the practice of writing down or otherwise recording key points of information.
Why take notes?
1- Instructors share information not available in textbooks and then make connections.
2- Notes serve as a “file” of information.
3- Taking notes helps you become an “active listener” and a “critical thinker”.
4- Taking notes facilitates learning, by allowing you to become an effective learner.
5- Notes help you remember information!
How to take notes:
1- Copy professor board notes and check Moodle
2- Paraphrase professor’s words
3- Take up as much space as needed
4- Review your notes every night
5- Create your own abbreviations
6- Jot down any ideas that the professor repeats
7- Notice verbal cues – “Now this is important”
8- Highlight your book/class materials
9- Write down all examples
10- Rewrite your notes after class
Note taking techniques:
Cornell Method