bliss katherine mansfield (Themes)

"Bliss" is a short story by Katherine Mansfield that explores the theme of happiness and fulfillment. The story follows the character of Bertha Young, a young woman who is seemingly content with her life and her new marriage. However, as the story progresses, it becomes clear that Bertha's happiness is fragile and potentially shallow.

One of the key themes in "Bliss" is the relationship between appearance and reality. On the surface, Bertha appears to be living a perfect life, with a happy marriage, a beautiful home, and a thriving social life. However, as the story progresses, it becomes clear that there are deeper issues at play. Bertha is lonely and disconnected from her husband, and she begins to question the superficiality of her own life.

Another theme in the story is the idea of self-discovery and personal growth. As Bertha becomes more aware of the limitations of her own perspective and the superficiality of her own life, she begins to search for a deeper sense of meaning and fulfillment. The story suggests that true happiness comes from a deeper understanding of oneself and one's place in the world, and that it is only through self-discovery and personal growth that one can achieve true happiness.


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